
Trips Provided by SCAT

Measure Charts

Description:  These measures provide the count of passengers on one-way SCAT bus trips.

  • The Fixed Route, and the Breeze Circulator operate on a regular schedule and routing, boarding customers along the way at designated bus stops.
  • The Paratransit service provides door to door service to qualified riders who are unable to use the fixed route service, due to a disability or being transportation disadvantaged.



  • Fixed Route ridership declined in the month of April from prior months and compared to the same period the prior year.  Twice a year (normally in April and November) SCAT modifies routes and service times to improve services.  The modifications can impact ridership as passengers adjust to new schedules and routes. 
  • Paratransit service ridership is comparable to the same period prior year, and stable month to month with little variation.
Series Value
Fixed Route PYTD 855,816
Fixed Route FYTD 766,531
Para transit PYTD 94,392
Para transit FYTD 94,476