FY15 Year Ending Reserves Policy Calculations
Description: Sarasota County maintains several different funds that require a minimum balance based on county policy. By retaining a minimum balance, the county protects its financial outlook and provides for fiscal sustainability in challenging economic times. The county consistently meets all or nearly all of its reserve balance requirements on a yearly basis. This information is calculated by the Sarasota County Clerk’s Office and is available as part of the comprehensive annual financial report which is typically published in the Spring.
Link to the county’s complete Reserve Policy.
* The General Fund Budget Stabilization & Economic Uncertainty Fund does not include the $8M allocated by the BOCC from reducing the 90 days to 75 days within the Contingency/Emergency/Disaster Relief Reserve. If the $8M were available and applied to the Budget Stabilization & Economic Uncertainty Fund we would have met the minimum 30 day requirement with 30 days (just over $17M).